Tensor Rings are geometric tools created from metals like copper or silver, formed into intricate patterns of intertwined circles. These Rings are designed to interact with subtle Energy Fields, Amplifying and Balancing them. By incorporating Tensor Rings into your daily life, you might notice enhanced energy quality in various ways. For example, placing a Tensor Ring around a water bottle or food item will improve their vitality and taste, increasing their health benefits. This simple addition can contribute to a more balanced diet and better hydration.

Tensor Technology extends the principles of Tensor Rings to a broader range of applications, harnessing their ability to influence energy fields. This Technology is used to address environmental challenges by neutralizing negative effects from electromagnetic radiation and electronic devices. For instance, Tensor Technology can be applied to create energy-clearing devices that help reduce the impact of EMF pollution, contributing to a more harmonious living and working space. This can lead to reduced stress and improved overall well-being.

In addition to environmental benefits, Tensor Technology supports personal health and wellness. Devices incorporating Tensor Rings are often used to promote relaxation and mental clarity. By balancing the energy around you, these tools can help improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety, and enhance focus. Many users find that incorporating Tensor Technology into their daily routine provides a sense of grounding and increased energy levels, which can positively impact various aspects of life.

Orgone energy, a concept introduced by Wilhelm Reich, refers to a Universal Life Force that permeates all living things and environments. Orgone energy devices, such as orgonite pyramids and accumulators, are designed to attract and transform negative energy into positive, beneficial energy. These devices are often used to enhance the energy in homes and workspaces, creating a more balanced and peaceful environment. The presence of orgone devices can contribute to a sense of tranquility and improved mood.

The Benefits of Orgone Energy extend to personal health as well. Many people use orgone devices to support emotional and spiritual well-being. These devices are frequently incorporated into meditation practices to help achieve deeper relaxation and greater mental clarity. By creating a positive energy field, orgone devices also aid in reducing stress and enhancing overall emotional balance, contributing to a more centered and peaceful state of mind.

When combined, Tensor rings and Orgone energy technologies offer a comprehensive approach to enhancing daily life. Using Tensor rings to Amplify and Balance energy, alongside orgone devices to transform and harmonize it, can create a synergistic effect that benefits both your environment and personal well-being. This integration supports a holistic approach to health, addressing both physical and emotional aspects by fostering a more positive and balanced energy field.

Integrating these tools into your life can provide ongoing support for a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. By placing Tensor Rings and Orgone devices in strategic locations around your home or workspace, you can create a more Harmonious Environment that enhances overall Well-Being. Whether used for improving sleep, boosting energy levels, or fostering emotional calm, these technologies offer valuable benefits as part of a holistic approach to daily living and personal health.

Tensor Technology was Discovered in This Age by Our Dear Brother Slim Spurling & Other Beings that were in His Field along side Him, Channeling and Anchoring in Tensor Technology into Our Reality. To put it simply, the purpose of Tensor Technology is to Create Energy Fields that are Healing & Beneficial to All of Life. We are Creating Energy Fields that Increase Our Life Force Energy & Vitality. Tensor Rings are an Infinite Source of Life Force Energy that constantly Gives to Life in a Healthy, Positive Way. Their output is Healing and Beneficial to all Life Forms, acting as Superconductors that neutralize magnetic fields, bring Coherence to chaos, and effortlessly stabilize and equalize the Bio-Magnetic and Energy Fields of the Body. Tensor Technology is renowned for its applications in Healing, Energizing, Restructuring Water, Enhancing plant growth, and Vitalizing various aspects of Existence. These Rings integrate scientific and Spiritual Technologies, formed by folding and twisting wires so that their ends meet, creating a continuous Flow of Energy in both directions. By cutting them precisely into Cubits, the twisted Crystalline Copper becomes an Antenna, making the Rings piezoelectric-powered. When formed into closed loop coils, these Rings Initiate Energy Flow, defying conventional physics and potentially serving as the simplest and most efficient Energy Source, freely gathering and condensing Energy from Space. Tensor Fields or Light Fields reconfigure electromagnetics to Benefit human bodies, influencing water elements to spin into their High-Spin state known as ORME (Orbitally-Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), profoundly altering water's molecular structure and energetic composition.

The Rings are essentially magnetic antennas that conduct & Amplify the living Electro-Magnetic Field of Life Force/Orgone/Prana/Chi To Conduct & Amplify These Energies we utilize Sacred Measurements that resonate with various Harmonics…

These measurements are responsible for tuning the device, Length=Frequency.

Why Use A Tensor Ring?

To Bring More Balance & Coherency Into Your Electro-Magnetic Presence.

To Shield & Strengthen our “DNA” (Divine Natural Antenna)

To Structure & Charge our Drinking Waters for plants, animals & Peoples.

To Enhance Harmony & Hold Sacred Space

For The Transmutation Of Negative Energy.

To Amplify Consciousness Here Now & Raise The Frequency!

How To Use A Tensor Ring?

Place Your Attention on The Ring & Program it With Intention (Program example) ”This Ring/Harmonizer Is Amplifying natural Frequencies Here & Now”

Because Copper has a Crystalline Molecular Structure it will hold the memory or your Prayers and Intentions just like quartz, holding the Frequency & Assisting In Manifestation.

Place the Ring around your water to enhance the energy and structure of the Water.

Wear the Rings on the Body To Clean & Energize The Blood Stream & Aura.

Wear the Ring on your Head to Assist In Healing Migraines.

Place the ring Around Your Meal or Stored Food To Preserve & Enhance Foods.

Place the Ring around your water tank or shower head to Create an Aura Shower.

Place the Ring around a Wi-Fi router to Balance Radioactive emissions. -Place or aim the Ring at Any Pain, wound or Disease in the body to Assist In Healing.

Place The Ring around “smart meters” to balance radiation up & down the Line.

Place Rings Around Plants To Enhance the Growth & Health of the Plant.


How Tensor Technology Harmonizes EMF (Electro-Magnetic Fields) & Ways to Harmonize your Home

Everyday we are exposed to EMF that may not be beneficial or in Harmony with our Beings. A few examples is over use of a smart phone which is giving off a high amount of EMF, or a Wi-fi router in our homes. Almost all around the Earth we have seen these Towers go up, especially in populated cities, and there is now a bombardment of EMF everywhere. Even writing this Guide on the computer, it is giving off EMF. EMF is not inherently good or bad, its the over exposure and ignorance of how they interact and communicate with Our Energy Field & have an effect on our Biology.

The Beauty about Tensor Technology is all of The Technology creates Life-Force Energy that Harmonizes any non-native, chaotic, destructive energies, anti-life energies and Transmutes, The Energy to Neutral or Positive. In our modern world, filled with the convenience of technology, we are also exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by our devices.

While the effects of EMF on our health are still being studied, there is growing concern about the potential risks of prolonged exposure. This is where Tensor Technology comes in – simple yet powerful tools that can help mitigate the harmful effects of EMF and create a more harmonious environment in your home.

Neutralizing EMF: Tensor Technology interacts with the energy of EMF, neutralizing its harmful effects. This can create a more harmonious environment in which the negative impacts of EMF are minimized.

Balancing Energy: Tensor Technology creates a balanced energy field that can help counteract the imbalances caused by exposure to EMF. This balancing effect is thought to promote overall well-being and vitality.

Enhancing Protection: By wearing or placing Tensor Technology near electronic devices, individuals may experience enhanced protection from the harmful effects of EMF. This can help reduce the negative impacts of EMF on health and well-being.

Promoting Relaxation: The Harmonizing effect of Tensor Technology promotes relaxation and reduce stress. This can be particularly beneficial in environments where high levels of EMF are present, helping individuals feel more at ease and balanced.

Supporting Energy Flow: Tensor Technology supports the flow of energy in the body, helping to maintain a healthy energy balance. This can be beneficial in counteracting the disruptive effects of EMF on the body’s natural energy systems


Harmonizer’s were Created by Slim Spurling, the Beautiful Soul that discovered The Tensor Ring and brought them to Us in this Age.

Frequency and Vibration is everything, there is destructive harmonics and constructive harmonics, in the action of a Harmonizer the Constructive harmonics within Its Energy Field will override and destroy destructive harmonics existing in the environment, for example air pollution is a destructive harmonic because it destroys our living tissues.

The Energy Field of a Harmonizer is a Toroid, it is composed of the Frequencies of Water that drives the Energy Field and Water contains thousands of frequencies. By simply turning on the Environmental Clearing Tape and playing it through a Harmonizer we tremendously increase the radius/range of the Field. The Harmonizer is a Scalar Energy Healing Tool. They talk to each other over great distances and there is a communication between them, and will travel instantaneously across the planet, reinforcing every Harmonizer in Existence.

The Field works very well with Intention. The Harmonizer Field emits Negative Ions which reverses and destroys toxic particles in the air. What we’ve discovered is it raises the consciousness level of All Beings within Its Field, this is based on experiments that Slim did in New York City, dropping the crime rate by 40% within a month.

Harmonizers will protect, strengthen and balance the Aura while bringing Positive Life Force Energy and bringing Vitality and Beneficial Healing Energy to All Life within Its Field.

The Harmonizer will also reduce the negative effects of harmful EMFs. The Harmonizer vacuums negative energy/frequency through the Acu-Vac Coil & transmutes it into Healing Light that beams through the top of the Coil. These are Beautiful Tools for Protection of Our Community from chemtrails and harmful frequencies from cell towers.

Based on the size & gauge of copper of the Harmonizer we are looking at a 5 mile to 2500 mile Healing Energy Field radius.

We continue to Create and Explore The Realm of Love, Harmony, Scalar Energy and Healing with this Sacred Tool and are Remaining In the Heart through our Journey of Healing Earth & Our Self

If you understand how the Rings and the Coils function it’s easy to figure out why the Harmonizers work the way they do. Picture 3 Rings, each generating its own column of Pure Light, radiating out from a Central point. Knowing that the Light emanating from one ring clears and enlightens anything in its path, imagine what a configuration of three beams might do to the overall environment! Seen from overhead this arrangement of rings forms six columns of Light that radiate outward into the environment over quite a distance – you could liken a Harmonizer to an “energetic lighthouse”. Conjoining the action of the rings with the sucking-transmutational effect of the Coil in the center of the unit allows the frequencies to circulate and fill the atmosphere. As the higher light frequencies generated by the Harmonizer permeate the etheric matrix anything that is not of the light is either transmuted or displaced, leaving everything in the environment enlightened and clear. The radius of the field varies depending on the size of the unit, but the clearing effects are the same. These are quantum effects that impact physical systems at the atomic level. Research has shown that the orbital radii of all the electrons in the environment are expanded under the influence of any Harmonizer. Light is the essence of life – everything is light. The presence of higher light frequencies increases the life force in any situation, transmutes negative to positive, and produces very subtle but beneficial effects. Air pollution is reduced because the toxic chemicals that make it up get broken down to their base elements when exposed to the Harmonizer field. People are positively affected by the Harmonizer field and it is safe to say that anything that is not of the light gets removed from the human aura. With more light shed on every issue, core beliefs and patterns that restrict growth dissolve. This makes it easier to connect physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually with that which is in our highest good

Learn about the Divine Torus from Spirit Science


The Many Names for The God Life Force Energy: The Energy Fields that Tensor Technology Creates is Life Force Energy (Non-Dual) which is a different type of Energy than Electro-Magnetic Energy (Dual). Just like the many names of God, such as Allah, Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Shiva, Creator, Spirit in different Spiritual Traditions etc. we have many Names for this Life Force Energy that Exists within The Technology We Create.

Some Names for This Life Force Energy: Superluminal Light, Scalar Energy, Chi, Qi, Prana, Kundalini, Biophotons, Biofields, Mitogenic Rays, Cosmic Rays, Morphogenetic Fields, Orgone, Longitudinal Waves, Tachyon Energy, Torsion Fields, Vacuum Energy, Source Field & Zero-Point Energy.

An Amazing Aspect of Tensor Technology is Its Ability to Structure Water!

Place Water inside The Tensor Ring for 24-48 hours to get The Full Benefit of Structured Water. The Column of Energy from the Tensor Ring will Restructure the Water and make it more of a Crystalline Structure. This is an excerpt from The Book Dancing With Water on How The Energy Structures Water: Although Tensor Rings made of all cubit lengths bring molecular structure to water, certain lengths are especially suited for water. In 2015 the authors identified a measurement of 19.65 inch (Earth Core Cubit) with a Resonance they refer to as the ‘Earth Core’ Resonance (333Mhz). Tensor Rings made using this measurement are tuned to the Earth’s Central Core and to the Earth’s Natural Energy Field. They Reconnect water (and anything placed in their energetic field) to the Core Energy of the Earth. This cubit length is extremely grounding and protective for water. Tensor Rings are Powerful Tools. As water passes through (or sits within the energetic column of) a Tensor Ring, it becomes organized. The longer it sits inside The Ring the more refined the structure becomes. The pH of the water is often balanced (this depends on the water source) and the taste of the water generally improves. They are especially useful for protecting water during maturation and storage. The column of energy produced shields water from outside interference as well. Placing a container or water inside a Tensor Ring creates a high spin rate to the water molecules – so high that it creates ORMUS such as white powered gold. It makes water lighter, and because of its high spin rate it oscillates in and out of this physical reality – just like ORMUS (Orbitally Rearranged Monotomic Elements). That High Spin rate is what is Restructuring the water making it more of a Crystalline Structure (where the atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystalline lattice that extends in all directions), as shown with Dr. Emoto’s work.

Here is a List of 9 Healing Benefits of Drinking Structured Water

⦁ 1. Cellular Regeneration

2. Improved Detoxification

⦁ 3. Deeper Hydration

⦁ 4. Supports Nutrient Absorption

⦁ 5. Raise your Frequency

⦁ 6. Increases Oxygen Delivery to The Body

⦁ 7. Assists in Virus & Toxin removal

8. Improves Bowel Movements

9. Healing Source of Energy







In the early 20th century, Dr. Wilhelm Reich made a groundbreaking observation during his research that would forever alter the landscape of holistic healing. He uncovered a profound connection among all living beings—an etheric energy he named "orgone." Reich devoted decades to studying this life force, proposing it as a bio-energetic essence that animated our surroundings. This insight resonated with ancient wisdom, where cultures referred to it as "Prana," "Chi," or other similar terms.

Reich asserted that maintaining a balance of orgone energy was essential for both physical and mental well-being. He distinguished between two types of orgone: 'Positive Orgone Energy' (POR), which supported life, and 'Deadly Orgone Energy' (DOR), which was anti-biological and led to decay. POR was characterized by its organized, structured nature, creating a fertile ground for healing.

To harness this energy, Reich developed various devices, most notably the Orgone Accumulator. Constructed with alternating layers of wool and ferromagnetic metals, this device was crucial in its ability to transform DOR into POR. The metals used—primarily iron and magnetic steel—played a vital role, as not all metals possess the necessary magnetic properties.

Patients would sit inside the Orgone Accumulator, allowing their bodies to absorb a concentrated dose of positive orgone energy, thereby enhancing their natural healing processes. Reich's revolutionary work, however, threatened the profits of the pharmaceutical industry, leading to the confiscation of his devices and the burning of his research—a tragic chapter that marked one of the last official book burnings in history.

In the 2000s, Karl Welz revived some of Reich's concepts, innovating by using alternating layers of ferromagnetic and non-magnetic metals encased in organic resin. He introduced crystals into the mix, which generated piezoelectricity when compressed, further amplifying the orgone output. This evolution enabled the creation of smaller tools, like pyramids and charging plates, capable of transforming DOR into POR and projecting it outward, thereby infusing the surrounding area with positive energy and fostering a healing environment.


Tensor Technology, pioneered by Slim Spurling, has its roots in the exploration of Energy and Consciousness. Slim Spurling, an inventor and researcher, developed Tensor Rings and Harmonizers based on his interest in the Energetic Fields that surround Living Beings and how these Fields can influence Health and Well-Being.

Origins of Tensor Technology

In the 1990s, Slim Spurling began his journey into energy healing and subtle energies, influenced by various fields including physics, holistic health, and ancient wisdom. He discovered that specific geometric configurations of metal could create an energetic field that interacted positively with the environment and the human body. This led him to experiment with the properties of different materials and shapes, ultimately leading to the creation of Tensor Rings.

The Tensor Ring

The Tensor Ring is a unique structure formed by coiling a specific length of wire into a ring shape, with the wire often made of copper or other conductive metals. The design is based on principles of Sacred Geometry and Quantum Physics, particularly the concept of Torsion Fields and the idea that Energy can be organized and harmonized through specific geometric forms.

Spurling found that when these Rings were placed in a certain configuration or used in various applications, they could enhance the flow of energy and create a harmonizing effect on the surrounding environment. This is believed to occur due to the way the Rings interact with both electromagnetic and subtle energy fields, allowing for a form of energy balancing.

The Harmonizers

Building on the principles of tensor technology, Spurling developed "Harmonizers," devices that incorporate Tensor Rings into a more complex structure designed to enhance their energetic properties. These Harmonizers are often used in homes or workplaces to help create a Balanced and Supportive Environment. They are thought to mitigate negative energies, improve overall energy flow, and promote a sense of well-being.

Research and Development

Spurling’s work attracted attention from various circles, including holistic health practitioners, energy workers, and those interested in the effects of subtle energies. His research and demonstrations suggested that Tensor Technology could provide benefits in areas such as:

  • Environmental Energy Balancing: Harmonizing negative energy from electronics or electromagnetic pollution.

  • Health and Wellness: Supporting the body’s natural healing processes and promoting overall vitality.

  • Agricultural Applications: Improving plant growth and resilience

Today, Tensor Rings and Harmonizers continue to be used and developed by practitioners around the world, as interest in Energy Healing and alternative therapies grows. Slim Spurling's contributions remain influential in the exploration of how energetic structures can interact with and enhance the world around us.

This legacy continues as new researchers and enthusiasts explore the potential applications and implications of Tensor Technology in various fields, maintaining Spurling's vision of a Harmonious relationship between Energy and Life.